Shell Usage Experiment

Information and Instructions

My name is Muris Sladić and I am a student at a Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
This is a webpage for an experiment to test if people can differentiate a real system from a honeypot.
You only need this webpage in your browser to play. No other tool is needed.

This experiment requires you to interract with a shell system, and to achieve that we are going to connect you to our IoT terminal.
In order to coordinate with multiple systems, we have introduced a small delay in the system response times.
We expect that the time needed to complete the experiment is around 10 minutes (this includes the task and the survey).

When you submit your email address, you will be randomly assigned a system, Real Ubuntu or Honeypot.
It is randomly decided with 50/50 chance.

Your goal is not to get detected by the honeypot and to find a hidden crypto-wallet key.
It is more important not to get detected than to find the key. But getting the key is the only way to win.
You will have 10 minutes.
If you find the key, put it in the submission field; Otherwise, select 'Give Up' option.

Please, after finishing the task, wait a few seconds for the survey to load.
To begin, please enter your e-mail.

Important Data Privacy Notice

We are not going to collect or store any personal private information, except for your email address.
You can opt out of the experiment at any time and ask for your data to be deleted.
We are only going to ask questions regarding the experiment and your cyber security skill level.

By submitting your e-mail, you agree to the above stated.